Final Piece


Here are the front and back covers for my EMP. So thats it, its all finished, Hand in tomorrow.
During the EMP i found that this blog has been really use full, it has helped me to document and time manage this project. I hope that you have enjoyed reading my blog. There are only one or two posts left untill the end of the year, so i would like to take this opportunity to say thank you for folowing me during my uni years. Hopefully I will blog aboout my future life, you never know!

Next Blog: Business Cards

WEEK12 London trip

So the hand in is just around the corner :( eeeeep! so there has been alot going on, i have been sorting out printers and book binding stuff.

For the prints I went to the Print Beuru, which is in bournemouth. I have to say, pretty pricey, but the ma there is a legend!

Also had a trip to London with George to pick up binding stuff from Faulkners! and here is my haul! Some glue, thread, needles, card and material. I also picked up some nice marbled paper!

WEEK11 Tutorial and Timemanagement.

Tutorial with Phil Jones and Roger Gould

this tutorial was mainly to explain to us that we need to re look at our learning agreement and make sure that it reflects what we are doing in our project. I looked at mine after this tutorial and found that mine is pretty much spot on, all I needed to do was remove a few lines which were not needed. This created a learning agreement which was easier to understand.

Target Audience. This was also discussed, and I need to find mine and narrow it down if needed. this is a really important part of the project.

The Design. General things were picked up whilst looking at my design and the main one was to change the location of the folio and make the gutter bigger. I can see why these were pointed out, and I have made time in my timetable to adjust them.